Sunday, 27 July 2014

Explaining Pin Positions

Perhaps it is right that we should explain our procedure for selecting pin position locations on greens. 

Our aim is always twofold:

- Spread wear patterns around the green
- Provide golfers with varying degrees of difficulty 

We now have a system in place that we believe is fair for all golfers and assists us in spreading wear patterns on the green.

We adopt a system as follows:

- 3 Front, 3 Middle & 3 Back locations for the 9 greens

- 3 Left, 3 Centre & 3 Right locations for each of the Front, Middle & Back locations. 

For this system, we work on a 3 hole rotation for holes 1-3, 4-6 and 7-9.

So, this Friday, the pin positions were set as follows:

1st hole   -   Front Centre
2nd hole  -   Back Right
3rd hole   -   Middle Left

4th hole   -   Front Left
5th hole   -   Back Centre
6th hole   -   Middle Right

7th hole   -   Front Right
8th hole   -   Middle Centre
9th hole   -   Back Left

What this then means is that the pins will only go back to the above positions every 10 weeks, ensuring variation for the golfer and minimising wear for us as greenkeepers.

Granted, there are occasionally some tricky pin positions out there! That said, it is the same for everybody and I guess that is the fun and challenge of golf. Nobody ever said that it's an easy game!!

Enjoy your golf!

Friday, 18 July 2014

A good week for mowing!!

This week, we have concentrated our efforts on repeated mowing on the golf course in order to maintain the consistency and to keep those playing surfaces firm and ensure good drives are rewarded with plenty of running!

We have been ably assisted by Phil Lockett who has done a great job in getting all our rough cut. So for those of you that find the rough during your round, you can tip your hat to Phil for it being down!! Thanks also to the Vice Captain for fitting a new starter motor on our Rough machine, saving us a lot of money in the process.

Hopefully, you'll all agree that the golf course is now getting to a standard that is very acceptable. The positive feedback following the Seniors' Open was very kindly received. Let's hope this good weather continues.

Have a great weekend and enjoy your golf!

Friday, 11 July 2014

More topdressing!!

This week, we took the opportunity to complete our July topdressing of all the greens. They now seem to be firming up nicely with some really positive feedback from members & visiting guests. 

It is important to continue this essential work and we believe that some very brief disruption to golfers is justified for the long term benefit to the greens and to maintain ball roll, trueness and overall playability.

One thing I was slightly miffed about was the nett 58 in last week's Fairbairn Trophy. A great score by Bill Courtney but I'm pleased his handicap was quickly reviewed. Sorry Bill, no Bandits allowed at PPGC! Maybe we need to try and trick up the greens some more to prevent any more crazy scoring!

This week, we have also continued to spot spray weeds in fairway & rough areas. It should be finished by next week so long as we have dry weather.

Our summer servicing on the mowing equipment has been completed now with the dry weather enabling us the odd hour or two to get off the course and complete oil & oil filter changes to our machines.

Also this week, we met with James Edwards, Golf Course Architect, who is preparing our golf course review for the golf club. James has many years of experience in this field of expertise and his services will prove to be of great value to the golf club in the years to come.

Have a great weekend and enjoy your golf!

Friday, 4 July 2014

Environment Agency proposed scheme

As many of you will be aware, the golf club will be working in partnership with the Environment Agency as part of a huge flood defence scheme that has been proposed for Warrington.

The work that the Environment Agency propose undertaking will centre around holes 4 & 7 with the purpose of ensuring that the housing estate to the left of hole 4 is not affected by potential future flooding.

Although this area of the golf course will be affected during the early part of 2015 (subject to planning approval), the upside is that the golf club stands to gain new tees at the 4th & 8th.

Furthermore, the golf club has now engaged the services of James Edwards, Golf Course Architect, to represent the golf club in its negotiations and discussions with the Environment Agency.

After meeting with James, the greens committee are extremely positive that he will represent the golf club in a professional and diligent manner. 

James will also be assisting the golf club to produce a working blueprint for the development of the golf course. As a result, the golf club will be able to plan more effectively future projects and identify accurate costings for these works.

These are exciting times for the golf club in what could be deemed a pivotal moment in the history of the golf club.

We encourage all members to attend the meeting on 7 July (7pm) and we hope that members can see that out of some disruption to the golf course, there are some real positives to be taken from this impending work.

Summer has arrived!

It has been great to have had some fine weather over the last few weeks. Golf in the sunshine is always more enjoyable, let's face it!

We now think that the greens are firming up nicely and are rolling well too. The comments from a range of members have been very positive and well received. We have spent many weeks double cutting the greens and they look how we want them too.

Topdressing greens next week will maintain smoothness and ball roll as well as assisting with diluting the thatch layer.

We finally finished spraying weeds on tees & surrounds this week as well as hitting some areas on fairways & roughs. 

As important as it is to keep weeds out of key areas, it is also important to remember that spraying weeds en masse can be very costly and unnecessary. I prefer to target the priority areas and leave weeds in out of play areas to remain. As the saying goes "one man's weed is another man's wildflower"!!

Let's hope that this sustained period of dry weather continues (Friday aside!) and that members can continue to enjoy great golf & maintain their sun tan!!

Have a great weekend and enjoy your golf!

Fertiliser & Turf Nutrition

Hello everyone I have been aiming to put out a blog post on the use of fertiliser for a while now - specifically to answer a range of questi...