Thursday, 17 April 2014

Verti draining & top dressing

This week, we enlisted Fine Turf Services to verti drain our greens. We were very pleased as the contractor also managed to verti drain the majority of our tees too. 

Verti draining applies the principles of the trusted garden fork. It has solid tines mounted on arms that are able to penetrate many inches below the surface. The purpose of this operation is:

- To enable air & gas exchange in the soil
- To encourage root development
- To encourage surface water drainage
- To give relief from compaction caused by golfer foot traffic & machinery traffic

Some of you that played on Tuesday will have observed the operation.

We then followed the contractor and top dressed all the greens with sand. The main objectives of top dressing are:

- To restore greens' surface levels to improve playability, speed and trueness
- To incorporate sand (a free draining aggregate) into the soil profile to assist in thatch breakdown and to improve the drainage characteristics of the soil

Following top dressing, the sand is incorporated into the surface using our dragmat.

We understand that this operation is disruptive. However, it is carried out because it is an integral part of golf green maintenance and vital for the long term management of the greens.

Today, we were able to mow the greens for the first time since top dressing. They seem to be returning to where I'd like them to be. A couple of putts on the putting green gave me encouragement that playability will improve very quickly over the next week. 

Many thanks to the volunteers who assisted. You guys know who you are and, as always, the help was greatly appreciated.

Have a great Easter holiday and enjoy your golf!

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