Friday, 20 February 2015

EA work finished

After a month of work by Lakekand Earthworks, the flood defence work (as far as the golf club is concerned) has finished. 

From the golf club's perspective, we are extremely pleased with the work carried out by Lakeland. Aside from 2 days of snow, the weather has been kind to them  and they made excellent progress.

By now, some of you will have set foot on the new path linking to what will be our new 4th tee. As you will have noticed, it is like a helipad! However, we are not complaining. It looks magnificent and will be yet another great addition to the golf course.

In addition, we have an integrated artificial grass mat to the left of the tee. This will be ideal for winter play and we are pleased that the quality of the mat is very high having been developed in association with Woburn Golf Club.

As is always the case with golf course construction work, there is always some remedial work that requires revisiting. There are a couple of areas that have been compromised as a result of this work. 

However, this was always going to be the case and these minor issues will be resolved in due course when the golf club meet with the Environment Agency. Rest assured that by Spring, the golf course will start to look excellent as a result of the extensive winter work program.

What we should all be pleased about is that all of the course alterations have cost the members absolutely nothing at all.

Given, we have done some small drainage trenching and we will require some new bunker sand but in the grand scheme of things, the cost of these items is relatively small.

We hope you are pleased with what we have achieved this winter. We certainly are and with that, I can sign off for 2 weeks holiday!

Have a great weekend and enjoy your golf!

Friday, 13 February 2015

EA work - quick update

Great to see a concrete path topped off with some grey stock dust being installed by Lakeland this week. 

The concrete was allowed to start drying before quickly being topped up with some stock dust and screeded so that the pathway will be have a permanent surface.

Although work continues with this path area, it looks fantastic so far and with the laid turf having been rolled too, this whole area is really starting to take shape. 

The general consensus amongst the members that I have talked to regarding the work has been unequivocally positive.

I will update the blog next week with some more photos. Have a great weekend and enjoy your golf!

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

EA work - Turfing started & progressing well!

Today, Lakeland have made a great start to the turfing of all the areas associated with the EA Flood Defence Scheme.

You will see that the new 8th tee has been turfed. The artificial mat is now fully integrated into the back of the tee and it is looking excellent. Obviously, this tee is considerably more raised than previously.

However, the reasoning behind this is that in the event of a 100 year flood occurrence, this tee will remain unaffected should the ditch and bunding cause the 7th green/8th tee area to flood.

Thus the level of this new 8th tee is the same height as the bund that has been created over the ditch.

Turfing is now well underway on the bund too and progress is very quick indeed. The contouring and grading of the surrounding area has been superbly executed by Lakeland. It goes to demonstrate that having an experienced golf course construction contractor is extremely beneficial for works such as these.

The remaining works to be carried out include the construction of the new 4th tee and a concrete path area adjacent to the pump station. By early next week, these works should be finalised and it should tie in very sympathetically with the existing part of this area of the golf course.

Fertiliser & Turf Nutrition

Hello everyone I have been aiming to put out a blog post on the use of fertiliser for a while now - specifically to answer a range of questi...